What is Physiq™ Body Sculpting?

Do you feel like your body needs to STEP things up? Regardless of countless hours at the gym and diet attempts, some people seriously struggle to lose weight. Hormones, metabolism rates, age, and injuries can all factor into how your body processes food to develop fat or muscle. Achieving your dream body is a different journey for everyone and many can benefit from a little extra help.

That’s why Lea Henderson Aesthetics offers Physiq™ Body Sculpting. It’s the latest in body contouring designed to target problem areas for optimal, natural-looking results. It’s a great, non-surgical body sculpting solution and an alternative to CoolSculpting. Curious to learn more? Keep reading.

How does Physiq Body Sculpting work?

Physiq’s warm body sculpting is a safe, effective, and non-surgical way to slim down. It’s a much safer alternative to liposuction and provides natural-looking results. So, how does it work? Physic Body Sculpting is the only body device with STEP Technology

Sequential Thermal & Electrical Pulse

Via four unique applicators, the machine emits both SDM (super-luminescent diode matrix) and EMS (electrical muscle stimulation). These processes work to heat deep tissues and re-educate the muscles in targeted areas to eliminate excess fat and tone muscles.

Physiq (Warm) Body Sculpting vs. CoolSculpting

Many of us have heard of Coolsculpting and are curious which of these two treatments is better. Personally, there’s a reason I chose Physiq over Coolsculpting in my office- I preferred the treatment and results more!

While both are safe, non-invasive ways of eliminating stubborn fat, CoolSculpting employs a single applicator to target one localized pocket of fat. Physiq uses four different applicators so it can treat more areas per session.

Another reason I recommend Physiq Body Sculpting over Coolsculpting is that it avoids the uncomfortable pulling, tugging, numbness, and sometimes bruising that come with CoolSculpting.

What areas can Physiq Body Sculpting treat?

Thanks to Physiq’s versatile design, it can target small, hard-to-reach areas as well as larger regions. It can also work on multiple problem areas at a time, so patients can enjoy faster appointment times.

The popular areas that patients wish to treat with Physiq include:


⚡Love handles


⚡Lower back


⚡Legs & butt

⚡Thighs & flanks

What does a treatment consist of?

Depending on what area we're treating, 2-4 applicators are secured to the skin with a specialized band. The treatment doesn’t involve messy gels or lotions, so it’s easy to squeeze in during a lunch break or before evening plans.

The Physiq delivery device ensures optimal comfort during each session, which only lasts 15-30 minutes. You may feel warmth at the treated area throughout the treatment, but patients don’t feel any discomfort. The treatment is also hands-free, so lay back and enjoy! Easier than the gym, huh?

Am I a candidate for Physiq body sculpting?

If you are self-conscious about your body’s shape or struggling to see results through other methods, then Physiq Body Sculpting could help. Because the procedure is non-invasive, non-surgical and does not require any downtime, it’s safe for most individuals. However, I always recommend speaking with a medical professional before performing any procedure.

Results do vary from patient to patient and how many sessions are performed. The average series is 5 sessions, spaced 2 weeks apart. Most patients notice visible results in a few weeks, but some take up to 2 months. But, it gets better — the body continues to lose fat cells in the treated areas for 3-6 months after your treatments!


If you’re looking for a solution to sculpt your body in Albuquerque, you’ll find it with me at Lea Henderson Aesthetics! Located in the heart of the city, I help patients from all over New Mexico achieve their aesthetic goals and sculpt their bodies to perfection. Between the advanced Physiq Body Sculpting machine and Sculptra BBLs, my patients can enjoy the bodies they dream of without invasive surgery. Contact me or book an appointment here to get started.

sculpt your dream physiq.


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