Aesthetics with Purpose: How Injectables Can Improve Your Life

Neurotoxins and dermal fillers in Albuquerque, New Mexico are widely used to make us look younger, but can injectables really make your life better? 

Widely used for diminishing signs of aging – like fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of volume in the skin – Botox and fillers have done an incredible job of restoring that youthful appearance to our aging faces. Aside from their age-defying abilities, though, these common injectables have found even more uses in the cosmetic enhancement industry. These uses combat issues you probably thought there were no solutions to, and we’re here to give you the scoop.

Read on to find out how these popular cosmetic treatments can go beyond wrinkles and actually improve your day to day.

Combat Acne & The Damage it Causes

Acne isn’t just an issue during our teenage years. Many suffer from this skin condition well into their 20s, 30s, and beyond. Even if active acne subsides over the years, it often leaves behind unsightly scars that need to be covered up with layers of makeup. Want to finally be able to minimize your makeup routine?

That’s where dermal fillers can be a lifesaver. Many injectable fillers contain formulas that boost the amount of collagen in the skin. Collagen is a substance that gives young skin its ability to bounce back from injury, and it contributes to that full, healthy appearance of youthful-looking skin. Since our body produces less and less of it as we age, we lose more and more collagen as the years go by. 

Dermal fillers like Radiesse and Sculptra stimulate the body’s own collagen production in order to repair the damage done in areas of the skin with acne scarring. 

Correct Defects and Imbalanced Facial Features

Whether it’s due to an accident, illness, or it’s simply a birth defect, facial deformity is an extremely difficult condition to live with. A great benefit of dermal fillers for these patients is that they can be used for mild facial restructuring. The filler does an amazing job at:

  • Raising depressed scars

  • Improving the appearance of damaged facial features

  • Correcting asymmetry

When it comes to contouring the face and making it more symmetrical, two amazing applications of injectables are:

  • The “Liquid Rhinoplasty,” which smooths out nose lines that are too sharp and makes the nose more symmetrical.

  • Jaw definition, which enhances and contours a too-soft jawline and makes it appear stronger.

Rejuvenate Aging Hands

Fillers aren’t just for the lips, you know! And our faces aren’t the only area of our body that starts to show our age over the years. Aging hands are a common plight, and many people feel the embarrassment and loss of confidence that comes along with them. 

So, what causes hands to look older and what can be done to correct the problem? Just like the skin on our faces, the skin on our hands also loses elasticity and collagen over time. Since the skin on the hands tends to thin faster than other areas, this causes it to begin sagging, which is also a common woe of weight fluctuation. The sagging leads to creases and wrinkles, which are accentuated by the fact that our hands are exposed to the elements more than other areas, and they experience constant wear and tear. 

The good news is, fillers like Radiesse and Restylane can be used to plump up aging hands and fill out areas on the hands where volume has been lost. While Radiesse is actually FDA approved for use on the hands, Restylane is another common choice, particularly since it contains no animal products. Both fillers help to reduce the appearance of many common aging issues in the hands:

👏 Wrinkles

👏 Tendons

👏 Veins

👏 Unsightly bones

Look Better and Gain Confidence with Injectables in Albuquerque, NM

As with any aesthetic enhancement, injectables like Botox and dermal fillers improve your life by building your confidence. Whether you’re self-conscious about wrinkles, scarring, or even a birth defect you’ve lived with your whole life, a quick treatment can make a huge difference in your self-image. 

Here at Lea Henderson Aesthetics, I’d love to meet with you and discuss your options when it comes to neurotoxins and fillers. Give me a call or book a consultation with me to get started on achieving your beauty goals!

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