Kiss a Double Chin Goodbye with Kybella

Are you a bit self-conscious about your double chin? Well, almost 70 percent of Americans admit to having a double-chin, meaning you are far from alone. Genetics, lifestyle, diet, age and hormones are all reasons you could be accumulating a double chin. No matter what caused this unwanted excess baggage, you don’t need to live with it anymore.

The FDA recently approved the first non-invasive injectable that is specially formulated to melt away a double chin. Meet Kybella. This new syringe offers impressive— and permanent— results, so it’s no surprise that Kybella is quickly becoming a top treatment here in Albuquerque.

Curious to learn if Kybella is right for you? I’ll answer all your questions about it in this blog.

What is Kybella and how does it melt fat?

FDA-approved and safe to administer by a professional injector, Kybella is an aesthetic injectable formulated to help treat and eliminate unwanted fat under the chin and jowl area. Kybella is known to dramatically improve the facial profile by its ability to permanently eliminate moderate to severe fullness in the jawline. This results in a sharper jawline, slimmer chin, and less fat overall in the jowl and neck area.

How does Kybella work? Well, Kybella is a version of deoxycholic acid. This is a naturally occurring enzyme that our body produces to break down and absorb excess fat, like when we lose weight. So when you do a juice cleanse or hit a gym routine at Athletics & Aesthetics and drop a few real LB’s, it’s deoxycholic acid that’s at play. Kybella is simply the man-made version of this process and it works magic when injected into a target area.

What should I expect from a Kybella treatment?

Kybella is non-invasive and doesn’t require any social downtime. Compared to lower face lifts or liposuction, it’s a much safer alternative to eliminating a double chin. Unlike popular neurotoxins or fillers that smooth wrinkles but eventually metabolize away, Kybella is permanent. Yes — patients can enjoy a double-chin-free life forever!

During a Kybella treatment, it immediately begins working to dissolve fat cells once it’s injected into your problem areas. Most patients notice visible results in 3-4 weeks, although multiple sessions may be necessary depending on your level of fullness. 

The day of your appointment(s), I do recommend keeping a low profile. While it doesn’t require bed rest or downtime, many patients do experience serious swelling of the treated area for 24-72 hours. Some report a burning sensation within the target areas for a few days, but that’s just Kybella doing werk.

Am I a candidate for Kybella? 

If you dislike your double chin and other methods of slaying it, like diet and exercise, just aren’t working for you, then Kybella may be a great option. Because it is FDA-approved and made of a naturally occurring substance, Kybella is safe for most of my Albuquerque-based patients of all ages. As always, I advise everyone to speak to their medical professional beforehand to ensure they qualify for any aesthetic procedure!

Double chins are just one common concern for my patients. If you wish you could sculpt other regions of the body and reduce unwanted fat, learn more about my PHYSIQ Body Sculpting.

Book Kybella to treat your double chin in Albuquerque

Do you hate your double chin? Do you live in Albuquerque or nearby in New Mexico? Then come in for a consultation with me, here at Lea Henderson Aesthetics. I’m here to help and answer any questions you may have about Kybella and the multitude of services I offer. Everything within my curated list of aesthetic services is proven to help patients look and feel their best. So, say goodbye to your double chin and hello to Kybella!



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